What’s the Best Way to Travel With a Dog?

If you’re planning a vacation, then you’ve probably already considered whether to bring the family pet along for the ride. The idea of bringing...
a person sitting on a rock with a dog on the lap

If you’re planning a vacation, then you’ve probably already considered whether to bring the family pet along for the ride. The idea of bringing your furry friend along with you can be exciting and fun for the entire family if you plan it right and make the right kind of arrangements. However, failing to plan can ruin the vacation for the entire family.

If you’ve decided that your dog would be better off not going with you on your vacation, then find a good dog kennel or dog sitter to keep them safe while you’re away. If you’ve decided that your beloved pal belongs with your family during your trip, then read on below for a few of the best ways to travel with your pup.

Plan ahead and make a list


As soon as you decide to bring your pet on your trip with you, it’s time to start planning ahead. If you’re traveling by car, go ahead and make arrangements to stop every three to five hours to allow your pet to use the bathroom, walk around and burn off some energy. Check out potential rest stops on your route ahead of time to make sure your pup will have a good place to stretch his legs.

There are quite a few things that you should put on your list to help keep your pet calm, comfortable, and safe during your trip. CBD products and treats are perfect for helping to keep your dog calm and safe during a car ride, or on any other mode of transportation. Don’t forget to buy CBD oil for dogs well before your travel plans are made.

Pet CBD products can keep your pets cool and collected, especially if they struggle with anxiety. CBD products for pets come in the form of oils, treats, and tinctures, and are derived from the hemp plant. There are many health benefits associated with CBD for pets and it can stave away any of the anxiety your furry friend might have on the road. It’s best to talk to your veterinarian about the dosage to give your pup according to the size and breed they are. Even though CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from the hemp plant, it doesn’t cause any of the psychoactive effects associated with THC and marijuana. All this form of hemp does is combat anxiety and help your pup enjoy the road trip a bit more.

You should always talk to your vet if your pet is on any medications. Although CBD is considered safe and beneficial for animals, it’s best to double-check with a vet who knows their medical history.

Make a list of essentials


There are a number of things that you’ll need to keep track of on the road trip with your fur-baby. As we mentioned above, make sure you have a list of vets and rest stops that are on the way to your destination. You’ll also want a leash and waste bags, of course, and a doggie seat belt or a high-quality crate for the journey. Don’t forget water, bowls, doggie treats, and a couple of toys for the road. Make sure wherever you’re staying on the way is pet friendly and have a doggie bed or a blanket for your doggo’s comfort. Lastly, keep any medications your dog might be taking at the ready and bring medical records for your pet with you.

Stay calm and be comfortable


As a pet owner, you already know that your canine pal can sense your distress. That’s why you want to make sure to dress comfortably and have everything both of you need before you get on the road. For example, you don’t want to dress in a tight pair of jeans, an uncomfortable shirt, and a pair of high heels when you’re traveling. This is just going to make you uncomfortable and stressed before you’re even on the road. Instead, opt for comfortable travel clothing, such as tunics and flow-y pants. A comfortable travel wardrobe will make a huge difference in your, and therefore your dog’s, mood. If you feel most comfortable in a skirt, make sure that’s what you pack, but if you prefer other types of travel clothes that work, too. You’ll also want to check the weather wherever you’re traveling and have appropriate outfits for the temperature, whether that’s a swimsuit or a sweater made of merino wool. Pack smart—whatever keeps you in a vacation-ready mood will be good news for your trip with your pup.

Always put safety first


You may have a fear of flying that stops you from taking your pet on a plane, which means you’re going to have to be extra careful with the safety precautions you take when you’re on the road. Consider finding a cruise ship to get you and your pooch to Hawaii, since that’s a fun way to make an otherwise stressful journey. Even if you go by cruise ship, you still have to travel with your dog by car to get to the cruise line, so safety precautions should be followed. Once you’ve figured out how to get to Hawaii if you’re afraid of flying, you should follow safety precautions such as always having your dog on a leash at rest stops and never leaving your dog alone in the car, even if you’re just running into the store for a moment.

Cars act as insulators, which means if you leave your pup in a hot car, he can die after only a short time. It’s the same when leaving your dog in a cold car. They can easily freeze to death, just like humans can. In most areas, it’s against the law to leave your pet in the car at any time of day, no matter what season it is.

These are just a few of the best ways to travel with your fur-baby when you take him with you on vacation. Vacation is all about fun, and your dog should be included, as long as taking him with you is handled in a responsible manner.

Lois Pratt is responsible for assisting in editing and running the site’s web publication, in addition to covering special events. She is a UCLA graduate and resides in Tulsa.