Trade School vs. College: How To Choose What’s Best for You

College admissions are on many students’ minds as we move from spring to summer. The college admissions process can be difficult to manage, especially...
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College admissions are on many students’ minds as we move from spring to summer. The college admissions process can be difficult to manage, especially if you’re not sure you want to go to college, to begin with. There’s the option of never going at all, taking a year off, or going to a trade school. The options are many, and the decision can be life-changing.

If you’re trying to decide whether to attend a trade school or college, there are a few things you should consider. Keep reading to learn more about trade school vs. college and how to choose what’s best for you.

Job Availability

If you’re considering a trade school or college education, one thing to consider is job availability. Trade schools tend to have more jobs available that you can enter right out of school.

A trade school you can enter if you’re interested in a school for electricians. For example, you can become an electrician in Garland, Texas if you go to a trade school. Rockwall Electric is an electric service that provides quality work, and quality service, and can fix any electrical problem with reliability and professionalism. Studying to become an electrician/master electrician can put you in the sights of companies like Rockwall Electric who make quality service done right their policy, bottom line.

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The Cost of Education


When it comes to picking a trade school or a college, one of the factors that students consider first is the cost of education. The right school may cost more than what student loans can provide, whereas others may have more leniency.

One of the biggest differences between a trade school and a traditional college is their fees. Trade schools typically have lower tuition and fees than colleges. However, colleges offer more scholarships and financial aid opportunities. While room and board are notoriously expensive at colleges, room and board can be more expensive at trade schools, since many of them are located in urban areas. Trade schools and colleges both, at some point in their education, require that students purchase materials for the specific work they’re going to do in each class, which adds up in what doesn’t seem like much time at all.

When to Ask for Help

All of this can seem overwhelming to think of on your own. Whether it’s a trade school you’re after or college education, you can always benefit from a professional counselor that will help you understand your emotions during this time, help guide your path, and help you through the admission process. Searching “college consultants near me” will bring you to sites like Empowerly which provide a safe environment, valuable information, and counselors who can help you take a step in the right direction to achieve your goals.

Your Future Goals

Some might not be concerned with the costs at all, and their right school is based on their aspirations and goals. One of the most important things to consider when making the decision of whether to go to a trade school or college is your future goals.

If you have your sights set on a high-paying career, then a four-year degree from a traditional college may be the best option for you. However, if you’re not sure what you want to do, or if you want to be able to start working right away, then trade school may be a better choice.

Trade schools are focused on teaching students specific skills that they can use in the workforce. This type of education is often shorter and less expensive than a traditional college degree, and it can be a good option for students who know what career they want to pursue. Trade schools tend to have good job placement rates, and many employers prefer to hire graduates of trade schools because they have practical skills that are relevant to the workplace.


College degrees offer more general education, and they can be a good option for students who are not sure what career they want to pursue. A college degree typically takes longer to complete than a trade school education, and it is also more expensive. However, college degrees offer more opportunities for advancement and higher salaries than trade school degrees. Additionally, many employers prefer to hire graduates of colleges and universities.

Ultimately, the best option for you depends on your individual needs and goals. If you know what career you want to pursue, a trade school may be the better option. If you are not sure what you want to do, a college degree may be the better option.

Whether you want to become an electrician or a mathematician, the college planning process can prove to be stressful and daunting. There are options out there for you through trade schools and colleges to help with application strategies and counseling to find your best fit school.

Tom Parsons is a contributing writer for Urban Tulsa. He graduated from NYU with a journalism degree, and he currently resides in Tulsa.