Why Does the Common Cold Cause Hearing Loss?

Studies have shown that most adults come down with at least three to four colds a year. That’s a lot and to most people...
a woman with a beard and a hat

Studies have shown that most adults come down with at least three to four colds a year. That’s a lot and to most people having a common cold is no big deal, though it makes you feel horrible, rundown, and often gives you a sore throat and a cough. In the era of Covid-19 and the flu, it’s a little more concerning when you get a cold, as it could be something much, much worse.

Many people don’t realize that it’s not only Covid-19 or flu symptoms leading to a diagnosis of the flu that can cause you problems. The common cold can actually cause hearing problems and even hearing loss if you’re not careful. Who would have ever thought that something as simple as a cold could cause you to have to see an audiologist for a diagnosis, therapy, and possibly a hearing aid? So, how does the common cold lead to hearing loss? Read on below to find out.

How colds can mess with your hearing.


The common cold can lead to an ear infection because of your sinus cavity being filled. Since the nose, ears, and throat are closely connected, what affects one is likely to affect the other. That’s why your ears feel stopped up and foggy when you have cold symptoms. Most of the time, this condition is temporary, but on occasion, it can get much worse, meaning you need to see a doctor check for everything from an inner ear infection to tinnitus and even hearing loss. If you have a ringing in your ears after being sick that persists, it could be tinnitus, and it’s best to consult your audiologist and see if you need tinnitus therapy.

Symptoms of hearing loss that shouldn’t be ignored.


During flu season, you’re apt to have just about every symptom imaginable when it comes to being sick. While you have to be careful that you aren’t actually having Covid-19 symptoms, you don’t want to ignore a few symptoms of hearing loss after you have any cold symptoms. Symptoms include experiencing pain in one or both ears and leaking fluid from your ears. While it’s normal to have your ears feel stopped up and even a stuffy nose, pain in your ears is not common and should be seen about.

If you’re unsure about your symptoms, you can go to the internet to MediFind and use their cold or flu symptom checker to determine if you have that or Covid-19 instead. You can also check for hearing loss and inner ear infection symptoms as well. Ensure that you see a doctor right away if you’re having Covid-19 symptoms or symptoms of the ear problems listed above.

Have you already been dealing with ear pain?

Have you already been dealing with ear pain for several days now? It’s important to get help right away, as losing your hearing can affect your ability to hear and your overall health. Even most insurance companies will consider an earache or ear infection as an emergency and know it needs to be treated right away if your ear pain started after you got sick or during your sickness. It’s important to contact your primary healthcare provider to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

These are just a few of the things you need to know about losing your hearing when you have common cold symptoms. If you have symptoms, check them in the symptom checker, then call and schedule an appointment to see an audiologist for testing as soon as you can without delay. It can make a big difference in your prognosis.

Lois Pratt is responsible for assisting in editing and running the site’s web publication, in addition to covering special events. She is a UCLA graduate and resides in Tulsa.