5 Operational Enhancements for Your Business

Analyzing and improving business processes can be a beneficial way of adding value to your company. As a business grows and changes, inevitably, the...
Analyzing and improving business processes can be a beneficial way of adding value to your company. As a business grows and changes, inevitably, the processes and business operations will gradually become more complex. This is because there will usually be more people involved in operations, data will be used by different systems and across several platforms, and there will be added variables. As a result of these changes and developments, business processes become overly complex. Variables will also become difficult to control, and ultimately the costs and risks for the business rise. To aid with continued growth, improved margins, and scalability, you need to closely evaluate business processes and practices for improvement. The first step in this process is to set clear, achievable goals related to adding business value. Once you have these goals laid out, you can connect them to your business processes and operations. Doing this will help identify areas for improvement or enhancement. These goals will serve as the foundation of each improvement project and will be the basis of your initiatives. From your staff and procedures to policies and operations, you will need to monitor each area to identify where you can add value to your business. Let’s take a look at some operational enhancements for your business.

Invest in staff.

When a business makes investments, the value is measured by its return. It is basically a cost versus benefits analysis. As businesses invest in a product or an initiative, they want to see that the profits produced will outweigh the cost. Investing in your staff is no exception. Perhaps some of your most valuable business assets are your human resources. The people that are working for you and overseeing various operations are directly impacting your bottom line. As a result, you will want to make sure that you have a staff that is well trained to keep your business operating and growing. Training well-equipped project managers to supervise and manage your operations is essential. Project Vanguards offers project management certification courses for your employees and managers. Investing in education and training for your employees will set them up for success as they run your business. If you invest in your staff the return could far outweigh the cost.

Reduce Costs

When operational processes are efficient, they will take less time to execute. They will also have fewer steps and can reduce wasteful activities. Making a process more efficient will reduce the cost of operation without impacting quality. The process of converting a customer quote into an order is a good example. If high-priced salespeople are re-entering orders into systems, they aren’t out generating new revenue. Now you have an expensive resource being used for a low impact task. Having better processes in place for data entry could save time and money. Another area might be answering customer inquiries and directing calls. If the people tasked to do this job could be better utilized, you might consider employing an inbound call center to handle and direct these tasks. Reducing costs could mean an initial investment, but in the long run, cutting out areas of waste or inefficiency will only add value to your business.

Improve the customer experience.

Looking at the revenue-generating side of the business such as sales, marketing, and development can improve sales success and customer retention. Ensuring efficiency within these processes could allow you to monitor and analyze customers throughout their lifecycle and offer a consistently superior customer experience. In turn, your salespeople can use the data from these processes to more effectively sell and retain customers. Sales managers can actively manage the sales process and control pricing and discounts.

Reduce Risk

If your business is employing consistent processes that aim for the same outcomes, the risk to your business will inherently be reduced. looking for ways to recreate processes with the same accuracy and efficiency each time will aid in this regard. For example, a manufacturer’s quality control process is put into place to ensure consistency and accuracy with each event or product. The goal is to achieve a repeatable, predictable process that will have the same probability of success across all shifts and production lines. Similarly, when you evaluate your business processes, look for ways to become more consistent. This will ensure your probability for success can be the same each time. With reliability comes reduced risk of failure and increased business value.

Streamline and Simplify

If the processes involved in conducting business are two-step tasks and your company is complicating it with additional steps you should consider making changes. The business world is constantly evolving and moving. As a result, there is always an abundance of new methods, tools, and products available to streamline business operations and increase productivity. Examine your daily operations and look for methods or procedures that might be out of date and complicating the process. Inevitably, some processes will never change because they are the key to your business identity. Ford, however, while still making cars with their signature brand, is not producing them the way Henry did in 1903.

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Sam Fisher joined Urban Tulsa as a contributing writer, before taking on the associate editor role. He graduated is a Boston University graduate and resides in Austin, Texas.